[WALLSHOT] de_inferno_se

  • il y a 12 ans
d2 wallshot - http://www.dailymotion.com/video/k3lmmAj4IlfW0t3jD3g#from=embediframe

01:10 wallshot arche de la banane - BANANA
01:40 wallshot appart/vodk & appart chambre noir - From apps to dark room
03:03 BP b à Banane - Bombsite B to Banana
04:10 ruines à derriere fontaine - Ruines to B site
05:00 BP b à derriere charette banane - B site to ???
05:30 appart à banane - T apps to banana
06:10 Wallshots all around bombsite A
07:10 wallshots vodk/baca à appart - Quad/pit to apps
08:00 bp A à cagibi + esca T - from A to boiler & T stairs
For more guides www.VaKarM.net
