Harry Potter für Kinect | Offizieller Launch Trailer [DE] (2012) | HD
  • 12 years ago
Harry Potter für Kinect ist ein Streifzug durch alle acht Harry Potter-Filme, auf dem Fans die schönsten und denkwürdigsten Momente nachspielen.
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Die Controller-lose KINECT-Technologie und die KINECT-Spracherkennung ermöglichen den Spielern, Zaubersprüche gegen Feinde einzusetzen, Dementoren™ zurückdrängen, sich unter den wilden Ästen der Peitschenden Weide wegzuducken und in Quidditch-Matches gefährlichen Klatschern auszuweichen.

Harry Potter for Kinect is now available in North America exclusively on Kinect for Xbox 360. Based on all eight Harry Potter films, Harry Potter for Kinect allows players to join Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger as they embark on a journey through Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and beyond. With Kinect's scanning technology, for the first time ever in a Harry Potter game, players will be able to scan in their own face to create a unique witch or wizard to journey through the adventures of the film.
In addition, Kinect's hands-free and voice recognition capabilities allow gamers to cast spells using physical maneuvers and by calling out spell names, offering an extraordinary, immersive Harry Potter experience.
Harry Potter for Kinect was developed by Eurocom.

Harry Potter für Kinect
GENRE: Action
+ (US): October 12, 2012
+ (EU): October 12, 2012
PLATFORM: Xbox 360 Kinect
EXKLUSIVELY ON: Xbox 360 Kinect
WEBSITE: http://www.warnerbros.com/
AVAILABLE @ AMAZON: http://amzn.to/OzWqsY

PUBLISHER: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
ESRB: RP for Rating Pending

TAGS: "Harry Potter" "Harry Potter für Kinect" "Harry Potter deutsch" "Harry Potter für Kinect Offiziell "Harry Potter for Kinect" kinect "Harry Potter 2012" "Harry Potter für Kinect trailer" "Harry Potter für Kinect gameplay" xboxviewtv "xbox 360" game gaming "video games" hd official 2012 trailer gameplay video "xbox kinect" Hogwarts Quidditch "School of Witchcraft" eurocom "warner bros"