WoW - PTR Patch 5.2 | Direhorn Mount + Rare Spawns

  • 11 years ago
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Patch 5.2 The PTR is up and running for World of Warcraft!

Zandalari forces have begun scouting the shores of Pandaria, searching for the perfect invasion point. The Zandalari can be found in Krasarang Wilds, Dread Wastes, Townlong Steppes, Jade Forest, and Kun-Lai Summit. Zandalari Scouts can be handled by 1 or 2 players, while elite Zandalari Warbringers will likely require a full party of 5 heroes.

Defeat Warbringers to gain special drops, including crafting materials, reputation gains, an achievement, and even the chance to get one of three new rare mounts Reins of The Slate Primordial Direhorn

Patch 5.2.0 is an upcoming content patch that will focus on the return of the Thunder King.

The first World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria patch of 2013 is currently in development and this is your chance to see some of the things that are in the works. This patch will include a massive new raid dungeon, a multi-faceted new quest hub, Pet Battle improvements, new world bosses, significant class balance changes, brand new pets and mounts, assorted bug fixes, and more.

Note: The Patch 5.2 PTR is not yet available, but you can feast your eyes on the latest version of the PTR patch notes below. Please keep in mind that these changes are not final, and a great deal could change before the final patch 5.2 release.
Look for the 5.2 PTR to become available in early January!

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WoW - PTR Patch 5.2 | Primordial Direhorn Mount
Music: World of Warcraft Soundtrack

Tags - "World of Warcraft" "of warcraft" "warcraft world of" "warcraft world" "world warcraft" "warcraft wow" warcraft "wow world of warcraft" "mists of pandaria" "wow mop" "direhorn mount" "patch 5.2" "wow ptr" "direhorn mounts" "patch 5.2 ptr" mists pandaria "mists of pandaria warcraft" "mists of pandaria wow" "wow mists of pandaria" "wow patch 5.2 mounts" "wow patch 5.2 ptr" "patch 5.2 mount" "patch 5.2 mounts" "wow patch 5.2" " "wow patch 5.2 ptr" "patch 5.2 wow" "ptr wow" "world of warcraft wow"