Bullshit Creepypasta Storytime: The Man and His Pokemon
  • 11 years ago
Today, on this whimsical second edition of Bullshit Creepypasta Storytime, I weave you a magical tale set in the Pokemon universe. It's a wonderful place where there's blood, and you fight gym badges, and there's a king of Pokemon! It's all really stupid actually. Hope you enjoy!

This is the link for the story, however, it was deleted shortly after this video was posted.
Which is fucking hilarious. *NOTE* It's back I guess? The story may still be deleted though, because it's shit or something. Should this happen, the full story is on my
facebook page, somewhere.

The "story" *giggles*: http://creepypasta.wikia.com/wiki/The_Man_and_his_Pokemon