Oscar-winning Iranian director launches new movie in Cannes

  • 11 years ago
Oscar-winning Iranian director Asghar Farhadi posed for photos at the Cannes Film Festival on Friday (May 17), joining his newest leading lady, French actress and Oscar nominee, Berenice Bejo. The duo are at the festival for their film, "The Past," which critics are hailing as a contender for the festival's top prize: The Golden Palm award.

SOUNDBITE: Asghar Farhadi saying (Farsi):

"I shot the film in a new country and a new language so I was looking forward to seeing how people would relate to it and to see they do respond and they do relate to this film although it was a different language and culture is something very positive and encouraging for me."

SOUNDBITE: Berenice Bejo saying (English):

"People who watched and loved 'Un Separation' I'm sure they will love 'The Past' and people that don't know, it's a fun... those kind of movie where you want to know what happens at the end."

"The Past" will contend with 19 other films for the Golden Palm, with t
