Cata WoW

Instant 85 & Highrate Blizzlike Realm
4.2.2/4.1.0 Server
Mass PvP
Lots of new contents
Worgens and Goblin working
99.9% uptime
Working talents
Working dual spec

* Goblin/Worgen's Working
* Stuns Fixed (No more MCing things)
* Class Trainers teach every spell to all classes including Masterys!
* Collosal Smash is Working
* Heroic Leap is Working
* Guilds are Working
* PvP Is 70% Complete
* Arena Teams - 2v2, 3v3, 5v5 are Working!
* Channels Working (LFG ect..)
* Gems Working
* Enchants Working
* Socket Bonus's Working
* Flying in Azeroth Enabled
* DK Spawn Bug Fixed
* Spells cast while walking Working!
* Spell Calculations perfected
* Glyphs Working
* Talent Tree's Working
* Learning Proffesion's is Working
* Recuperate Working
* Smoke Bomb Working
* Line of Sight Working

Online/Offline Statistics:
Server is tested every 10 minutes for availability

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