
SG-2000 is tripple hydrotherapy spa equipment can be conveniently used in home, at hotels, spa centers, wellness centers, hydrotherapy centers, etc. It produces infrared rays, ultrasonic waves due to millions of bubbles as well as ozone gas with all its anti-bacterial and anti-viral effects.15 minutes of Spa with SG-2000 results in:

1. Internal Warming
2. Deep Cleansing
3. Total Body Massage
4. Exercise
5. Beauty & Body Contouring
8. Improved Blood Circulation
7. De-stressing & Relaxation
8. Detoxification
9. Hormonal Balance, and

Major effects include:

1. Improves Blood Circulation: With ultrasound bubbles and comfortable warming of water to 38'C, the internal parts of body are nicely warmed up after 10 minutes. As bones warm up, blood circulation improves, new blood cells are created and immunity is boosted. .

2. Full Body Massage: Millions of ultrasonic bubbles exert a gentle 1.5 kg/cm of pressure on our body, massaging internal organs and achieve the effect of Hydro-Acupuncture at all our 320 accupoints! 5 minutes of spa as good as 1 hour of professional massage!

3. Deep Cleansing: The ultrasonic bubbles creates micro-vibration that can effectively shake out all dirt from 150.000 pores of our body, so you can literally feel clean and light as your skin can breath better now.

4. Beauty and Body Contouring: Ozone effectively whitens skin and remove dead skin cells. For every 15 minutes of ultrasonic bath with SG2000, our body burns off 300 to 400 calories.

5. Presence of ozone has body firming effect as well as skin thickening effect. It thus helps improve the wrinkles of neck as well.

6. Disinfecting & Detoxification: Oxygen starvation at the cellular level leads to internal toxicity.

7. Passive Exercise: During spa, the warming effect of our bones and blood circulation is measured to be equivalent to 3 to 5 km jog.

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