
⚛️Start by drawing a circle around yourself and make sure
everything inside that circle is working well. Then widen
the circle to include family and friends and do everything
you can to help them and make a difference. Once you
feel that is largely achieved, widen the circle to further to
incorporate your neighbors. Keep the street outside your
house as clean as you’d keep the carpets inside your
house. If all neighbors drew circles around themselves
and their homes soon many would overlap and the
elderly, the lonely, and people more generally would feel
connected, loved and cared for. The same goes for our
environment which is in desperate need of this attention.
Imagine a world where the purpose of every business is
to drive social, environmental and economic benefit.

?Small companies – small circles If every person,
company, shop, factory, home, college and office drew a
circle around their surroundings and pledged to help
those inside the circle, together we would make the
world a better place.

☪️22 is a master number- ability to turn the loftiest dreams
into concrete realities. {Elisa and Melissa are 22's} I am a 7
22/7= pi the circumforence of a circle

? 22 is one of the keys to unlocking the mystery of the

⚓️22 Veterans take their own life everyday.