News: Space Noir (iOS / Android / PC - English)

  • vor 10 Jahren
Space Noir is a very promising Space Shooter á la Wing Commander that will be released in summer for PC, iOS and Android. The title is being developed by nFusion, which already brought us so great games like Deus Ex: The Fall or Air mail. The game offers a story, on which the developers put a lot of emphasis. You take control of the bounty hunter Hal Markham, who explores the space with his ship. The path through space leads you through five worlds and over 35 missions. With ​​Hal you uncover a mysterious conspiracy by a stranger who wants to control humanity. Regarding the graphics, the developers rely on the proven Unity engine, which promises a lot of great effects. The developers have now released a nearly six-minute video about the game. In this video Joe Parisi and Carissa Isolano from nFusion show you a mission and some details about the space combats in the game. Space Noir has definetly made some impression and I am very curious to see how the title will develop in the upcoming months until its release in the summer. For more information on the game take a look on the Facebook page of the game: .
