In Studio Experts

  • 4 years ago
스튜디오 대담

Democrat Joe Biden has a path to victory in the U.S. election but his Republican opponent President Donald Trump is challenging vote counts in four key states. So what might happen?
The Trump campaign has claimed, without evidence, there is voter fraud and wants to stop the count in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia and Michigan.
What does this mean and what comes next if the contest drags on.
1. With the election results still up in the air after tight races, strong turnout and record mail-in voting leaving millions of votes still to be counted, the race is too close to call, but what are the implications of the elections for North Korea's relentless pursuit of nuclear weapons?
2. Does a Biden election mean then return of U.S. policy vis-a-vis North Korea to the Obama era "strategic patience"?
3. South Korea, meanwhile, has struggled to deal with Trump, who has been less wedded to historic alliances than his predecessors. How would a Trump two or a Biden administration impact South Korea, U.S. alliance?
4. We've been focused on a new administration, but why should we also keep our eyes on the Hill?
Professor Min, could the U.S. presidential election be decided in courts?