U.S. Election Cliffhanger Live from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

  • 4 years ago
미 대선 최대 승부처 펜실베니아 현지 AP 기자 연결

The election cliffhanger as we come on the air tonight... with the U.S. presidential race still undecided. Millions of votes still being counted... but just in the last couple of hours, two major flips for Joe Biden. Major news outlets projecting him the winner in Michigan and in Wisconsin - two crucial pieces of the bluewall he's trying to build.
But a legal battle is already underway. Donald Trump's campaign is suing to stop the count in Michigan and Pennsylvania and demanding a recount in Wisconsin.
The president is threatening to go all the way to the Supreme Court.
Again, we have a team coverage tonight from all corners of the globe.
Philip Crowther is live in Philadelphia, Ken Moritsugu in Beijing and Natalie Powell is covering London for us.
The race for the White House just too close to call as contests tighten in battleground states Georgia, Arizona and Pennsylvania... that is where we begin our coverage.
Philip Crowther with AP International is live on the ground by the Pennsylvania Convention Center
A very early good morning to you, Philip.
As hundreds of thousands of mail-in and early absentee votes are being counted in the key battleground of Pennsylvania, Trump's lead has been shrinking dramatically.
While Arizona, Georgia, and Nevada are also too close to call, Pennsylvania and the city where you are, Philadelphia is extra important in the search for results. Why?
With his political path narrowing, President Trump is turning to the courts to stave off defeat. His campaign is suing Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia and demanding a recount in Wisconsin.
What are you learning on the ground and how's the Biden camp reacting to this?
We're hearing of protests breaking out across the U.S. What can you tell us about it?
Philip, when can we expect a winner to be announced?
Philip Crowther with AP International live for us in Philadelphia, thanks, Philip.
After a record surge iofn mail in voting a federal judge deamnd to know why the postal service dd not comply with hi sorder to sweep the processing facilities for undelivered ballots
