Byberry Bill

  • 15 years ago
A clip from the virtually unknown "Final Asylum: The Closing Of Philadelphia State Hospital". (If anyone can assist me in finding this movie I would be greatly appreciative!) This clip shows a man, who's real name is supposedly Bill, nicknamed Byberry Bill by default. Philadelphia State Hospital, a.k.a. Byberry, closed officially in 1990 but, at least one bldg still operates under another name as a drug rehab center.

Another building, which I believe was used as the mental hospitals infirmary, was gutted & turned into office space but, I don't know if it is actually being used for anything. That building and what appears to be the remains of houses, gutted by time and weather, are very much far removed from the main part of the property, which is itself over 100 acres. The vast majority of all of the buildings are gone now (In its prime it had over 80 buildings!) and something long since forgotten by most is the reality that Byberry used to be over 850 acres!!

That's pretty big!
