CGRundertow ATELIER RORONA for PlayStation 3 Video Game Review

  • 12 years ago
Atelier Rorona review. Classic Game Room presents a CGRundertow review of Atelier Rorona for PlayStation 3. So you take things from nature and put them in a vat, and stir it for a bit, and then you get pies and cannons and whatnot. It's alchemy. You don't have to explain it. What you do have to explain, though, is why you're doing fetch-quest after fetch-quest after innuendo after fetch-quest. Especially when there are RPGs in this vein that are better... well, RPGs. This one, like many games in the Atelier series, feels like it's... many games in the Atelier series. You gather items, pound them together into (marginally) useful crap, and blush. A whole heck of a lot. This video review features video gameplay footage of Atelier Rorona for PlayStation 3 and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's TJ.

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