CGR Undertow - ROAD RUNNER review for NES

  • 10 years ago
Road Runner review. Shop CGR shirts & mugs! Road Runner review. Classic Game Room presents a CGR Undertow review of Road Runner for the Nintendo Entertainment System developed by Atari and published by Tengen. Wile E. Coyote never learns his lesson. You have to admire that. And fortunately, his persistence gave us some of the greatest cartoons ever made—not to mention this quirky little NES game. Road Runner is sort of a runner from before runners were a thing. Playing as the Road Runner, you run across the screen—moving right to left, interestingly—as you try to escape the hungry coyote. Be sure to pick up the bird seed along the way and lure the coyote into traffic whenever possible. Beep beep! Road Runner was an unlicensed NES game released on a black Tengen cartridge. It’s a single-player game. This video review features video gameplay footage of Road Runner for the Nintendo Entertainment System and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's Derek.